HomeoMed was founded in the yeart 1991 as a manufacturing and trading company, producing high quality biobalsams ( cosmetic-drugs) of natural origin, in which we used , among others – homeopathic Mother Tinctures.
The biobalsams produced by HomeoMed company were unique not only thanks to their high quality but also to their original Polish recipe.
For nearly 20 years HomeoMed leads pharmaceutical wholesale company specialising in the distribution of medicines of natural origin.
Our company promotes the four recognised in the Polish market pharmaceutical companies: Natural Medicine, Pharmacosmetic-Diafarm, Pascoe and SARL.
HomeoMed company has got extensive experience in import, registration and promotion of medicines and other pharmaceuticals produced in the world.
We have professional staff employed and specialistic department on scientific information, supporting us in the introducing new preparations to the market.
HomeoMed being a specialised wholesale company cares to work closely with doctors and pharmacists also organising specialist seminars for them, publish information and educational materials.
The company is proud of a steadly increasing number of medical and trade representatives throughout the country.
We do expect that our efforts to promote homeopathy and natural origin preparations will be appreciated.
Our goal is to offer public the widest range of proven and safe specialities of natural origin.
We are aware that our heavy, systematic work to some extent contributes to improving the health of our society.
HomeoMed company is open to cooperation with manufacturers of innovative specialities, both domestic and foreign.